Many of you will have already heard the great news, but for those who haven’t, I am pleased to announce that OpenStreetMap’s annual conference will be held in Birmingham, from 6th – 8th September 2013.
The conference, known as State of the Map 2013 (SotM 2013), will see 300 users converge on Birmingham to discuss everything OpenStreetMap. It’s been 6 years since the conference was last held in the UK and in that time OpenStreetMap has developed from a project with 10,000 contributors, to one of 1.05 million registered users. To reflect on this huge growth, this years theme is “Change”.
Simon Poole, Chairman of the OpenStreetMap Foundation reflects:
“Change is a constant in OpenStreetMap. Not only does the world around us change and require resurveying all the time, the OpenStreetMap project itself continues to evolve very rapidly in every aspect. The organisation that is returning to the UK with its main public event after 6 years, has grown from a small, fun project, to an undertaking that is competing with multi-billion dollar corporations but still is fun for everybody involved. In that vein I’m looking forward to SOTM in Birmingham and expect that we will all have a great and interesting time.”
Being such a big event, we are delighted that we are not alone in organising the conference. In addition to regular Mappa Mercia members, we also have the support of many other OSMers from both inside the UK and around the world. Thank-you for all your input.
For more info see: