Mappa is a project to grow OpenStreetMap in the West Midlands, UK. We run community events, provide training and support local organisations wishing to open up their data.
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Patterns in address data
Prompted by recent discussions about house numbers becoming illuminated features in order to aid delivery of fast food by Deliveroo riders after dark I used an idle lockdown moment to... READ MORE
OSMUK first quarterly project 2020: Parks
Last week saw me surveying Ward End Park in Birmingham. This park had had no attention from OSM mappers since it was first surveyed in 2009 and so looked a... READ MORE
A unique OpenStreetMap project
Every Quarter (3 months) the OpenStreetMap UK embarks on a community project to improve the map and, whilst working together, to build our community. The final quarter of 2019... READ MORE
Junction improvements: more than meets the eye
It’s been fascinating mapping the changes during 2019 for the major junction improvements under way at the Iron Lane junction in East Birmingham; long tolerated by users of the A4040... READ MORE