Do you work for a local public or private sector organisation? Do you have data which may be beneficial to OpenStreetMap? If yes, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please get in contact with us as we can provide advice on how best to open up your data.
Our wish-list
The following is our wish list for public sector data. If it’s not on the list then that doesn’t mean we are not interested. Please still get in contact as we may still be able to use your data.
- Highways data
- Gritting routes, including updates.
- Local Street Gazetteer, including new road names as roads are adopted from developers.
- Public Rights of Way and any variation orders.
- Max weight and max height restrictions.
- Speed limits, especially changes for 20mph zones and downgrading 40 mph to 30 mph.
- Turn restrictions other than into one way streets.
- Services data
- Recycling Centres and Domestic Waste points.
- Neighbourhood Offices.
- Public Toilets (open and closed).
- Polling Stations.
- Heritage data
- Public Artworks e.g sculptures, murals, statues and memorials.
- Updates to the list of Locally Listed Buildings.
- Conservation areas.